Diana Letzner

Diana Letzner

Omule : What is like to be an illustrator?
Diana : I don’t like to call myself an illustrator, or an artist, because I am not just that, I am just an artsy person, or someone who really likes to create, who likes aesthetically pleasing stuff and sometimes makes poster like illustrations, sometimes digital linear tattoos like little drawings (also, I really hope I am going to start practicing tattooing soon), who sometimes works as a barista, sometimes as graphic designer, it depends.
Omule : Where do you get your inspiration from?
Diana : More or less, my inspiration is Romanian (after 1990) culture, music, tattoo culture, occult stuff, and I often get my inspiration from myself, my thoughts, feelings, stories etc.
Omule : What is your ideal creative environment like?
Diana : A little bit cold, yet cosy, me alone with my cat, minimal designed space.
Omule : How is your process? Do you have any kind of creative patterns and routines?
Diana : I usually come with an idea, and after that I listen to some inspirational music and dance to it until I am kinda tired (while I am dancing in my living room I imagine how the drawing should look like),
after that I take a seat, grab a pencil and some paper and start sketching. After that it comes the black ink part and when I am done with it, the scanning and editing part begins. A little thing has to be mentioned,
I don’t like to take any breaks between the start and the posting of the drawing.
Omule : What kind of tools do you use?
Diana : For hand-made drawings, pencil, pen with black ink or black liner, scanner and a little bit of photoshop. For the digital ones, adobe illustrator and photoshop.
Omule : Do you have a favourite place to go on a holiday?
Diana : I don’t have one yet, but I wish I could go every year in Iceland.
Omule : Who is on your guest list for your ideal dinner party?
Diana : Me from other dimensions.
Omule : What superpower would you like to have and why?
Diana : I wish I could have two superpowers:
1. Time travel. I wouldn’t intervene, I would just observe.
2. To live at least 500 years, but in this form, like a max 30 years old woman.I would like to learn more languages, study science subjects, travel, have time to learn how life goes, at least understand it a little bit more.
Omule : What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Diana : To love myself more and take care of myself first.
Omule : All black. Is there a reason for that?
Diana : Black is simple and minimal so it makes my mind calm and it doesn’t draw attention to the way that I look so people can concentrate on me as a person.Also, I don’t have to consume my brain’s energy to match clothes, it’s easier like this.
Travis Ross

Travis Ross

