Jamie Luna

Jamie Luna

Omule : Hi Jamie, tell me how everything started.
Jamie : Once again, I came to this planet, and I realised that in this incarnation I will do tattoos for people, which will be visible from space.
Omule : How would you describe your style?
Jamie : Large black and white tattoos, a mix of graphics and realism that are visible from outer space (because they are large).
Omule : Where do you get your inspiration from?
Jamie : I don’t get it from anywhere, ideas from outer space manifest through me because the cosmos knows better.
Omule : What is your ideal creative environment like?
Jamie : My creative environment is not in the outside world, it is inside of me. Therefore, absolutely any place in physical reality can be a creative space for me.
Omule : Do you have any favorite artists from your industry?
Jamie : Yes, there are a lot of them, I think there will not be enough space to list everyone.
Omule : Favourite place to go on a holiday.
Jamie : Inside myself. I feel good anywhere and every day in my heart is a holiday.
Omule : Five things you can’t live without.
Jamie : Yoga, family, drawing, study, fruits.
Omule : What kind of books and movies do you like?
Jamie : I used to love to absorb a lot of information from books and films. Now there are literally a couple of spiritual books. I rarely watch a movie, if I do , I only watch the ones that make me better.
Omule : What superpower would you like to have and why?
Jamie : I do not want any superpower, because it won’t make me better. Because when you have any super power, you will try to dominate your brothers, and this is not a honest game.
Omule : What would be a great achievement for you?
Jamie : When all people will sing and dance for God.
Omule : What do you like the most about your work ?
Jamie : I can meditate while working and watch the hand of God direct my hand. See my customers’ happy eyes after the session. The fact that I am constantly in the process of creation and I don’t violate the laws of the universe.
Omule : Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party?
Jamie : Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, Babaji, Sasha Baron-Cohen.
Omule : What is your favourite kind of project?
Jamie : You know when you like something very much and you stop breathing for 5 seconds? That kind of project.
Omule : Favorite places to visit and why?
Jamie : Just turn off the light, close your eyes, turn off external attention 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ....and bam! - you are with the cosmos. You are at home.
Omule : What are some things you can’t do (or hate doing)?
Jamie : I don’t like to discuss about advertising, money. I would like to focus only on art.
Omule : How much do you think tattoos are a private thing and how much are they a public thing, on show for other people?
Jamie : As much as the person who wears it wants.
Omule : Do you like attending tattoo conventions?
Jamie : I try to stay away from tattoo conventions and tattoo business. Let tattoo corporations make money, I am here to make art.
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